Initial Consultation is the first step in ongoing work with Here’s how the Initial Consultation works:

Step 1: Geting acquainted!

The best way to effectively communicate your educational objectives to us is through a casual communication session. All you need to do is, contact us. You will be connected with one of our friendly and knowledgeable enrollment coordinators as soon as possible.

After this first step of acquaintance, we can:

  • Learn a little more about you and your admission goals.
  • Get answer to any questions you have about our counseling program.
  • Share what you can expect within your consultation.
  • Help you to find the best-fit counselor.

Step 2: Create your profile.

Once the student formally engages the consulting services of, the student enrollment coordinator will make one profile (with the student’s details and complete academic and financial information) and will mail a secure link for you. Complete your profile, slowly and steadily at a convenient pace which suits you. We will provide the most productive consultation. The information you provide will help us to gain insight into your academic and extracurricular interests, independent pursuits, goals, and personality.

Our Preparation Behind the Scenes

After the profile reaches completion, your counselor will collaborate with our research team. We will then construct a customized, strategic action plan for the admissions process. Please keep in mind, this action plan will be based on all the information you provided, so you need to take the utmost care in spelling out the objectives and aspirations you need to focus on.

Step 3: Setting Up The Meeting Date

Once the groundwork is over, your enrollment coordinator will contact you, fix and confirm a mutually convenient date, time, and a specific format for your meeting. (During the pandemic, the meetings could also be conducted on Zoom Or Skype)

Step 4: Meeting Your Counselor

When this meeting is conducted, your counselor will personally assess the academic profile and provide the admission options within the holistic admissions review process and provide an expert recommendation to your requirements. This meeting will help you to optimize your admissions goals. Your counselor will lay out a timeline and strategy for every step of the admissions process.  This strategy will  include a school research and list building, applications and essays, interviews and more. After all the skimming and shortlisting process, the enrolment counselor will suggest a program/college/university to best support you through the entire admissions process.

Step 5: Review Our Recommendations And Consider Next Steps

After the enrolment counselor will curate and skim the entire content to your needs, they will forward the process to the next step. Before concluding the application process for submission to the relevant institutions, the enrolment counselor will be in constant touch for any questions you may have.

Step 6:  Find The Right Fit For You

Your enrolment advisor will work by your side, assisting you entirely so that you can zero in on the ideal program which suits your preferences. Every student is unique so we take our time to tailor the right solution for YOU!

Ready to enroll for a comprehensive strategic consultation?

Mail us today at:

We look forward to supporting you !

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