The Expert Forum helps simulate the admission committee process. It reviews all aspects of each application, following it by providing a constructive feedback for the student. This feedback enables students to implement critical changes before submitting their application. The outcome is that the students get to put forward their best possible applications. After this, the students will have additional support in deciding where to enroll. They will also get the relevant guidance on how to handle deferral and waitlist decisions, if and where they are applicable.

Avail The Benefits Of Our Entire Team’s Expertise

As part of our team-based approach to counseling, students benefit from the entire team’s expertise in addition to one-on-one guidance with their dedicated admissions counselor. Our entire team of counselors reviewing students’ updated college lists, giving students the advantage of feedback before submission, ensuring that they’re able to get the most comprehensive feedback throughout the entire application process.

How It Works
During the college application process, the panel of enrolment counselors who are on the expert forum meet once a week. These counselors recreate the committee review process. They will be going through every submitted application and associated materials and discussing students’ strengths, areas of improvement, and all the relevant fields. Then a feedback is provided for submitting the strongest applications possible.

Why It Is Beneficial
The expert forum gives students the opportunity to have all their application materials reviewed multiple times by this mock admissions committee, giving them valuable feedback in addition to their personalized, one-on-one counseling that they can’t get anywhere else.

What Students Receive

After receiving expert forum feedback, students will work one-on-one with their individual counselor to implement all changes needed in order to have the best chance of admission to their top-choice schools. This proven methodology (before submission of the form) ensures that their applications are the best representation of who they are as a student and person.


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